With Woman and Jonathan Waller
The website "With Woman" let me borrow this beautiful image. It was an inspiration for my logo.
Jonathan Waller painted it. The birth of his first child Eva inspired this painting and others involving birth.
Check out With Woman which is a nice resource for women, midwives, and anyone interested in creative
birth choices. There is also more about the works of Jonathan Waller here.

Christy Scherrer took these pictures to your right and left. A
photographer of dynamic and insightful images encompassing
the milieu of maternity, birth and newborns, Christy Scherrer is a
passionate devotee of artistic black and white photography.
Combining her acute powers of observation, considerable
technical skills and a gifted sensitivity, she creates high quality,
handcrafted images evoking the intimacy and love of family.
Christy is co-parent of three girls, a degreed biologist, trained
Doula and homebirth assistant. "Accessible and informed
choice, devoid of non-consensual coercion, is my driving force. I
work and focus my efforts toward a time when families can
experience positive and supported parenting from conception to
birth and beyond."
Website Design by Alicia Montgomery Thanks to the men and women who allowed me to use their pictures on my site.